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Frequenty asked questions

What information does the legal AI draw from?

Our meticulously curated database includes relevant legislation, commentary, government publications, procedural documents, New Zealand cases, and more.

Is my data used to train the AI?

No, data privacy is of paramount importance to us. We use industry-standard encryption, two-factor identification, and do not see or use the data entered into any of our tools unless an answer is reported for manual review by the user.

What can it be used for?

From our experience, the only limit to what our AI can assist with is the user’s imagination. While it is optimised to function as a legal research assistant (akin to a paralegal with a photographic memory), everyone has their own preferred use-cases. Beyond answering questions about New Zealand law quickly and accurately, our tools have the ability to produce graphs and equations, write emails, and pull information from your documents.

Is this viable for small firms/solo practitioners?

Absolutely! Firms right across the country, ranging from solo practitioners to household-name brands, are already streamlining workflows and improving their efficiency with Law Cyborg. Our tools and pricing are designed to be as accessible as possible. We understand that many small firms and solo practitioners are rightfully hesitant to spend hours learning how to use new technologies which is why our AI is optimised for quick adoption and ease-of-use. Additionally, our team is happy to provide personalised advice on how to start using our AI.

How can I ensure it doesn't make up answers?

Unlike nearly all AI services on the market, our dataset is meticulously hand-selected and regularly updated to draw only from pre-verified information, greatly reducing inaccuracies. It also provides a detailed list of hyper-linked references for every answer to ensure the veracity of its information.

How is this different from ChatGPT/other AI programs?

While programs like ChatGPT could theoretically answer questions on New Zealand law, they are not designed for professional application, especially in a context where accuracy is non-negotiable. Law Cyborg’s legal AI is built from the ground up for NZ law and meticulously finetuned specifically to assist New Zealand legal professionals.

What happens if an answer is wrong?

If you believe that an answer you received is incorrect, you can report the answer in-app for manual review by our team. We will review the answer and patch the system so that it does not happen again.

How can I sign up?

Getting started with Law Cyborg couldn't be easier. Signing up can be done via our website, and once paid for you will receive immediate access. We are confident you will find value in our product and have no need to lock you in for a minimum term.

Step into the future.

Use the legal research AI that you've always dreamed of having.

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